The wearing of the school uniform is essential in order to foster a sense of school pride. It is the school’s expectation that all students wear the full school uniform. Mooloolah's uniform consists of a unisex polo with navy bottoms.
POLO SHIRT: Royal blue, Navy and gold polo shirt
BOTTOMS: Navy – shorts or skirt.
HATS: Broad brim. Compulsory when playing outside and travelling to and from school. NO CAPS Refer to Dress Code for further information.
SHOES:Closed in shoes with navy socks.
SPORTS: On sports days only, (swimming or athletics carnivals and cross country) students can reverse the school hat to show their house colours.
Coloured sports shirts are available but not necessary.
WINTER APPAREL: Navy jumper, either V-neck or jip jacket only - strickly no hoodies. Navy tracksuit pants preferred, navy leggings are permitted but must be worn underneath a skirt. No jeans.
While wearing their uniform, students are representing the school and its’ values. Students are always expected to behave appropriately while in school uniform. Jewellery permitted includes a watch, sleepers/studs in ears, health and religious medallions or bracelets. Other items of adornment including necklaces, anklets, tattoos, drawings, writing and skin dye are not permitted except on school approved events. Makeup and coloured nail polish are not permitted.
Compliance with wearing the correct uniform and is recognised and supported within our Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students (see Behaviour response chart – Purple, blue and green behaviours).
All of our school uniform items are sold through the P&C in our uniform shop. Our Uniform Shop is run by volunteers an appointment may be made to visit the shop at a mutually convenient time if you need to try on sizes. For any uniform enquiries please contact our P&C via or the P&C's parent facebook page.

The preferred method for ordering uniforms is via our online order platform
School Shop Online - Mooloolah State School
We have an online tutorial video to help you order online.
Or you can view our
Parent-guide-Uniform-Online-ordering.pdf (437Kb)
Payment is preferred via the online shop. Payments cannot be taken at the school office unless prior arrangements have been made with our uniform convenour as our P&C EFTPOS is a separate entity to the school.