
Class times


Our school day:


School Office Opens

Children may enter the school grounds with their parents. Parents are welcome to stay until the first bell sounds. Students must wait quietly in the senior covered eating area until staff are on duty.
Prep to Yr2 students will be collected by a staff member and taken to the jnr eating area for play supervision before first bell.
Yr3 - Yr6 students are to stay in the senior under cover area and will be supervised by a staff member.

First bell sounds.  This is the time for students to quietly line up in the undercover area (Prep-Yr2 - junior eating area, Yr3-Yr6 senior eating area) waiting for thier teacher to collect them to walk to class.
8:50 Second Bell sounds.  School starts at this time.  Students should be in their classroom waiting for the teacher to mark the roll and begin the day.
11:00 First break commences.  Students make their way to their designated eating areas and are asked to remain seated while eating.
First break playtime.  Students are asked to pack away their lunches and can begin play.  All students are required to wear hats during play time, if they do not have a hat they are to stay under cover where the staff member on duty can see them.
11:40 First Break finishes. Students are reminded of the end of break process which we call TWDL - to Toilet - Wash hands - Drink - Line up.
Students in the younger years are asked to line-up in the covered eating area and wait for their teacher to take them to class.  Senior students are asked to line-up in the senior eating area and wait for their teachers to take them to class.
11:45 Middle session begins

Second Break break commences.  Students make their way to their designated eating areas and are asked to remain seated while eating.

1:20 Second break playtime.  Students are asked to pack away their lunches and can begin play.  All students are required to wear hats during play time, if they do not have a hat they are to stay under cover where the staff member on duty can see them.
1:40 Second Break finishes.  TWDL. Students in the younger years are asked to line-up in the covered eating area and wait for their teacher to take them to class.  Senior students are asked to line-up in the senior eating area and wait for their teachers to take them to class.
1:45 Afternoon session begins.
3:00 Afternoon session concludes.  Classes are dismissed. Prep students are to be collected from their classrooms. Older students make their own way to the school gate for collection.
Last reviewed 04 September 2023
Last updated 04 September 2023